Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha announced that the government will proceed with the rollout of the Competency-Based Curriculum for grade four students come January 2020.
Professor Magoha has said the government has already printed books under the new curriculum and distributed the materials to 97 percent of the counties.
Come January this year, grade four learners in Kenya institutions will be introduced to a new curriculum, the competence-based curriculum.
Curriculum material and additional training of teachers on the curriculum will support the rollout. These are some of the developments CS Prof. Magoha has announced.
The inception and roll-out of the new curriculum system have, however, faced opposition from a section of critics led by the leadership of the Kenya National Union Of Teachers (KNUT) which has severally termed the introduction of the system as a hurried process and the curriculum half-baked.
But professor Magoha has called on all education stakeholders to come on board and support the new curriculum.
As the country is looking forward to ushering in the new year, the Ministry of Education will be out to ensure another successful 100 percent transition of KCPE candidates into high school paying special attention to the bottlenecks that hold back girls from joining and completing high school education.
To support the achievement of 100 percent transition to secondary school, the ministry is also rolling out a new scholarship program that will provide Ksh3 billion worth of scholarships to needy students.Â
CS Magoha also announced that the taskforce on curriculum reforms is finalizing regulations and guidelines which will be subjected to public participation.    Â