Three Senators from the Coastal region have backed the proposed Coconut Industry Development Bill 2021 that seeks to improve the coconut industry in the country.
Mombasa Senator Mohamed Faki and his counterparts Issa Boy of Kwale and Stewart Madzayo of Kilifi lauded the move saying the bill will boost coconut production and could unlock the economic potential of the Coastal region thereby improving the economic fortunes of majority its residents should the Bill be enacted into law.
“This Bill is very important for the region as coconut trees are the major cash crop for the Coast people but its farming has not received proper support,” said Boy.
The three leaders were speaking during a Public Participation Forum of the Bill that brought together stakeholders from the coconut growing counties of Kilifi, Kwale, Mombasa, Lamu, Tana River and Taita Taveta.
The Bill which is sponsored by the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries seeks to establish the Coconut Industry Development Board in its composition and functions.
Additionally, it will provide for the production, processing, marketing and distribution of Kenya coconut and its products provide a framework for coconut farming, development and ensure value addition to coconut and its related products.
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“The government needs to help and have a board just like the other boards, we have tea board, coffee board and other and its time that coastal leaders in conjunction with the national government to ensure this bill passes and coconut is recognized,” he added.
According to Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT), the crop contributes an estimated 1.5 percent to the agricultural GDP, 0.4 percent of Kenya’s GDP and supports over 100,000 households in the coastal region. Despite the coconut crop generating close to Ksh.3.2 billion annually from products sales, many coconut farmers still wallow in poverty.
“This Bill will help to address issues that hindered the development of the crop and enable farmers to achieve its full benefits like other countries. ”
The legislators are also pushing for the legalization of palm wine, a coconut product that was unsuccessfully championed in the 1990’s by former Kisauni Member of Parliament, the late Karisa Maitha.
On his part, Faki said there is need for the national and county governments to support the development of the coconut sub-sector which he said has the potential to generate billions of shillings and benefit the farmers.
The Committee Chairman Njeru Ndwiga said with proper legislation and guidance the coconut industry will realize its full potential.
While the coconut plant can be used to make various products including food, mats, ropes, fertilizer and wood, the main challenges faced by coconut farmers are mainly at production level including pests and diseases and prolonged drought conditions and lack of accessibility of quality planting materials.