M-Pesa Foundation and Gertrude’s Hospital Foundation launched a Ksh.50 million telemedicine initiative, Daktari Smart in Samburu County.
The initiative aims at reducing the number of referrals of sick children by enabling nurses at the Samburu Teaching and Referral Hospital (STRH) to have access to specialists virtually.
This will save on cost as well as make treatments more prompt.
Speaking during the launch of the facility, Head of Sustainable Business and Social Impact at Safaricom, Karen Basiye said the initiative seeks to optimize the capacity and reach of healthcare delivery systems by easing access to services, especially to children.
” Patients in this county have had to deal with issues of poor infrastructure leading to late hospital arrivals and sometimes it’s a little too late and this is exactly what Daktari Smart is looking to address,” said Karen.
The Executive Director of Gertrude’s Hospital Foundation Les Baillie said that clinical officers at the STRH will be using the advanced equipment at the telemedicine centre to send real-time results to paediatricians at Gertrude’s hospital in Nairobi.
“Our mission is to transform communities by improving access to quality healthcare to the needy and disadvantaged children in the country and will be achieved only by embracing research, innovation and technology,” said Les Baillie.
He noted the program will develop appropriate data and information to support pediatric health care across the country.
Daktari smart has a kit with electronic medical devices such as an electronic stethoscope, vital signs monitor, derma scope camera, ultrasound machine and an electrocardiogram which is used to check the heart’s rhythm all which will aid diagnosis accuracy.
Screens will also be used for video conferencing to ease regular capacity building for over 300 health workers serving in rural health facilities as well as training of 360 social workers and community health volunteers in the local community who will support social mobilisation and see the success of the initiative.
Samburu County Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation Commissioner Vincent Learaman received the Daktari smart initiative observing that retaining medical specialists in Samburu County has been a challenge because of lack of resources and equipment.
M-Pesa Foundation has committed over Ksh.168 million towards the initiative that targets over 32,000 children in Lamu, Homabay, Baringo and now Samburu.