
Laikipia Governor Muriithi signs Bill to counter violent extremism

Laikipia Governor Ndiritu Muriithi has signed a Bill, aimed at eradicating violent extremism and radicalization among the youth in the county.

Speaking Wednesday during a meeting on Bill’s implementation, Muriithi said the law dubbed “Laikipia County Community Engagement and Resilience Bill 2022,” was timely since it came to be at a time of heightened radicalization.

“The law is not static. There are structures that exist in law but are not strong enough to address various issues. The implementation of the Bill goes a long way in delivering to the security of our citizens,” said Muriithi.

The governor said the County Assembly will oversee its implementation through constant follow ups to actualize it.

Muriithi urged political leaders to be at the forefront in preaching peace in order to create a cohesive society.

“The way we frame political contents matters. As leaders we should do it in a way that does not cause tension among groups with differing political interests and ignite conflicts,” said Muriithi.

The governor acknowledged National Counter-Terrorism Centre (NCTC), the County Assembly, and other stakeholders who contributed to the development of the Bill.

The Bill was sponsored by nominated MCA Chris Mark who represent the youth in the Assembly. Mark said the Bill will address and prevent radicalization among the youth. The Bill was also supported by Foundation For Dialogue and Collective Resilience Against Extremism Programme.

Mark noted that following President Uhuru Kenyatta’s executive order to counties to develop County Action Plans to counter violent extremism, Laikipia has managed to come up with a counter violent extremism Bill that resonates with the security needs in the county.

He said the Bill engages the community and brings together national and county governments in a state where they are able to engage the community directly and prevent radicalization through monitoring and rehabilitation.

“Through county engagements, we will learn the needs of the youth, the most vulnerable, and the minorities so that they do not feel isolated and engage in social vices,” said Mark.

Laikipia Assebly Speaker Patrick Waigwa, Laikipia said the Bill was critical because it originated from the community’s needs and helps address an issue that affects residents. “We do not pass bills just for the sake of it but we pass them to address certain issues in the community,” said Waigwa.

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