Residents of Yala Township, Gem in Siaya County have raised concern over the increased bodies that are damped in Yala River.
According to the local community, most of the bodies are found around the Ndanu Falls and it has become a normal occurrence in Yala.
Okero, a local resident who retrieves bodies that are spotted in the river reported that in the past six months he has retrieved 31 bodies.
Some bodies are packed nicely in sacks and sewn nicely before they are dumped in the river.
Currently, Mr Okero reports, there are at least five bodies that are stuck in the rocks at Ndanu Falls.
The community also believes that the bodies are brought in a black double cabin together with a small car (Probox model), that has been spotted occasionally in the area.
St Peters Clevers, Yala Catholic Parish priest Father Clement Oluoch expressed concern in the manner in which the matter is handled casually.
Haki Africa director, Khalid Hussein said the situation is terrible at the falls, and authorities must step in.
Boniface Mwangi was amongst human rights activists who visited the falls and challenged the government to be responsible and take responsibility of ensuring all the members of the public are assured of their security.
Gem sub-county police commander, Charles Chacha confirmed that several unknown bodies have been recovered from River Yala in the past few months.