
Expansion of Nairobi’s Enterprise Road in limbo, six years on

In 2013, the government awarded a contract for the refurbishment of enterprise road, which is one of the most crucial roads in Nairobi’s industrial area.

Six years down the line, the road’s expansion appears to be in limbo. There seems to be no end in sight for the completion of the busy road.

This is Enterprise road, one of Nairobi’s busiest roads. It is probably one of the key reasons it was earmarked for expansion in 2013. Nearly seven years on, the expansion of this road has remained virtually unfinished.

Signs of construction are evident. There is clearly work ongoing more than four years after its scheduled completion date.  The 6.1 kilometers road stretch is the most critical connection from the junction shared with Bunyala road, cutting through major roads servicing the industrial area.

The delay in the completion of this road has proved to be a major inconvenience to firms located in Nairobi’s industrial area. Besides the losses being incurred by the business community operating around the area, the ongoing construction is causing daily traffic snarl-ups.

Inadequate funds and an incompetent contractor have been cited as some of the major reasons for the long and winding road project.  Our efforts to get an official response from Reynolds Construction Company – the firm that was awarded the tender to expand the road in question hit a dead end.

But a source within the company, however, told Metropol TV that the government has not provided the requisite funds for the project inevitably slowing its progress. Likoni road – which cuts across the upper part of enterprise road, is also suffering a similar problem.

According to the Kenya Association Of Manufacturers, Nairobi’s industrial area’s transport infrastructure is largely in a state of neglect.

For residents and traders here completion of the construction of this road is their only hope to ease movement to and from the city centre but remains a long unending wait year after year  for a decade now 

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