Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Dr. Fred Matiang’i on Thursday directed chiefs and their assistants in the Nyanza region to prioritize delivery of 52,000 uncollected IDs in the area by January 1, 2022.
The directive comes at a time when the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is expected to roll out phase two of the voter registration exercise across the country.
“Chiefs and assistant chiefs should actively reach out to youth who have attained 18 years and above but are yet to register for IDs,” he said
Below are key pointers Dr. Matiangi highlighted during operationalisation of Central Nyakach Division, Kisumu County
-Chiefs/assistant chiefs to actively reach out to youths who have attained 18 years and above but are yet to register for IDs
-Chiefs/assistant chiefs and the entire NGAO directed to actively support the President programs and projects including the handshake
-The security environment has hugely benefited from the handshake by calming the country and must therefore be actively supported by ALL public officers
-CS personally supports the handshake both as a presidential undertaking and because of its evident benefits to the country and has, therefore, no apologies to make
-There can never be two centers of power and anyone else taking credit for Government projects or claiming to have influenced major infrastructure development is a hypocrite and engaging in political conmanship
-Public officers must not associate with individuals pretending to be in government/to speak on behalf of the Government but who are actively undermining it by campaigning against the President and his policies
-Democracy must not be equated to anarchy and must therefore be exercised within the constraints of law and order
-Politicians do not need permission to campaign in any part of the country but security agents will intervene if politicians offend the law
-Active mapping and review of security hotspots to be intensified around the festive season
-Troubled spots like Marsabit and others to benefit from closer security attention and deployment of more officers