Kenya Power and Company Lighting (KPLC) employees are now being forced to declare their wealth following the ongoing reforms that were recommended by a taskforce which was appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
In a memo to all staff Thursday, the Human Resource General Manager Cecilia Kalungu-Uvyu directed them to submit all their employment details plus bank accounts.
Bank details will be for a duration not less than six months, inclusive of mobile money statements.
“All staff members are hereby notified and urgently required to provide the information listed in sealed envelopes addressed to ‘Head of KPLC Vetting Team’. The envelope shall also indicate the name and staff number of the employee, to be received at the 6th-floor boardroom, Stima Plaza, by close of business, Monday, 22nd November 2021,” said the HR boss.
These are details the power distributor’s 7,000 staff will forward to the HR in a sealed envelop.
1. Employment particulars of the officer (Full Names, Identity Card Number, Passport Number; Pin Number: Driving License Number; Mobile Telephone number; Daytime Telephone Number: Email).
2. Residential address(es) of the officer and spouse(s) for the last 5 years; ownership status of current residence.
3. Power/water meter numbers; any other utility account numbers.
4. Current posting of officer: Employment; Job Group/Grade: list of previous deployments and number of years served per deployment; history of disciplinary cases; promotions received.
5. Full Names and Identity Card numbers of immediate family members (spouse, children, dependents, parents, siblings, business associates; agents; or associations where the officer has a direct and indirect pecuniary (financial) or non-pecuniary (financial) interest.
6. List of known companies and businesses owned or controlled by the officer or immediate family members that have had commercial dealings with KPLC.
7. List of moveable and immovable assets owned/partly owned by the officer or the immediate family members, business associates or agents including data on acreage, location, and status (e.g. whether charged to financial institutions, joint ownership, allotment etc.) including dates of acquisition.
8. Machinery, vehicles, and other assets where the officer has a beneficial interest.
9. Stocks, shares and partnerships including investment groups of which the officer and spouse are members.
10. Certified copies of bank statements of the officer and spouse for the last 6 months including any foreign accounts.
11. Certified copies of mobile money statements of the officer and spouse for the last 6 months.
12. Kenya Revenue Authority Income Tax Returns for the officer and the officer’s companies/businesses for the last 3 years.
13. Club Membership(s).
14. Social media accounts/handles (Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram).
15. List of liabilities (Including loans, mortgages, chattels, guarantees, school fees and school accounts; cumulative insurance policies; holidays).
This comes against the backdrop of a lifestyle audit at the firm that kicked off on August 28 this year and is being carried out by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).
EACC is verifying the wealth immersed by each of the company’s employee including contractors sourced to do business with Kenya Power.
The audit is happening at a time when significant reforms have been recommended at the power utility, a turnaround strategy to bring the company back to its profit making days.
According to Energy Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma, some of the reforms tabled are meant to reduce tariffs for industries and domestic consumers while protecting the environment.