
Survey reveals change in taste for future homebuyers since COVID onset

The onset of COVID-19 has triggered quite a few changes in our everyday life activities more so now that everyone is cautious of their surrounding in order to protect their health interest, a move that has seen the change of taste and preferences when purchasing homes.

According to Knight Frank, people are now interested in turning their homes to work hubs following the outbreak of the covid 19 pandemic thus people only search for wellness so as to purchase homes across Africa.

Knight Frank further reveals that workplaces were the highest selling points but changed following the onset of the pandemic.

The survey further reveals that buyers in Africa are interested in residential premises around CBDs and away from city commotions compared to city living and proximity to urban centers.

Knight Frank went on to reveal that the COVID-19 pandemic has indicated the relative resilience for the residential sector since the sales volume did not contrast significantly.

Knight further notes that residential design now counts as a home factor since buyers have been able to acquire firsthand experience on whether their homes meet the current lifestyle needs and reviews they would consider when purchasing residential premises in future.

Space is also a major factor when buying a home for future homebuyers as 54 percent of respondents now reveal that they are likely to buy a detached home compared to the pre-covid 19 pandemic error.

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