Eight Kenyans are among 12 people who were arrested in Rwanda following an attempted cyber fraud on Equity Bank based in Kenya and Uganda.
Others arrested were three Rwandese and a Ugandan, according to a revelation by Rwanda Investigative Bureau (RIB).
“This group was arrested while in the process of hacking into the bank system to steal money from clients’ accounts.” Said RIB on its twitter account.
According to RIB, the group fled to Rwanda after successfully defrauding Equity Bank. The case file has since been compiled and submitted to Rwanda Prosecution for further
In mid-September, a court in Kigali sentenced a Kenyan to two years in prison and fined him Rwf3 million (Ksh325, 400) for defrauding Rwandans.
Mr Charles Kinuthia was found guilty of soliciting money from hundreds of Rwandans to attend his “Wealth Conference” in the capital in May 2019.
In May, the accused had solicited more than Rwf4 million (Ksh433, 900) and Ksh68, 000 from participants through mobile money, online banking and cash at the entry of the conference venue.
People registered online after they were lured with a promise of receiving $197 each at the end of the conference.