
Kenya to resume exporting avocado oversea

Kenya will start exporting avocado once again to join the league of Mexico and Peru as the world’s largest export of the produce..

According to a report by Business Daily, Head of Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) Benjamin Tito said farmers can now export Fuerte variety as of March 4 while harvesting and export of Hass avocado will commence on March 18.

Tito said a survey steered by the regulator and other stakeholders has shown that at least 20 to 30 percent of the fruits are ready for harvesting and Kenya stands to earn good income due to prevailing good prices globally.

 “We had a meeting on Friday with stakeholders and agreed that we open the market this March given that there are crops that are ready for harvesting,” said Mr Tito.

Kenya’s horticulture regulator suspended avocado exports (Fuerte and Hass varieties) to curb harvesting of immature crop, with on November 15 last year.

However, exporters of the Jumbo variety were exempted from the suspension, alongside those having off-season crop.

They have been doing it by air and not sea, with at least 184 grammes for a single fruit.

Further, dealers and companies with off-season crops had the mandate to request verification for inspection from HCD regional offices in writing within 24 hours as from 15th November.

The review on lifting the ban was to be done on January 15 this year.

The move by the regulator was aimed at curbing the harvesting of immature crop following rampant cases of traders picking young crops previously to capitalise on high prices of the commodity at the international market.

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