Chinese influence in Africa is becoming troublesome to the world’s most powerful economy, the United States.
To counter the influence, the US in the recent past has been on a strategic mission, announcing bags of goodies for the world’s second-largest continent.
This was witnessed in a press conference by US Vice President Kamala Harris in Acra, Ghana when she said the country and other four West African states will receive Ksh.13.7 billion.
She spoke Monday, March 27, 2023, in a joint presser with Ghanaian President Ana Ado.
“To help address the threats of violent extremism and instability, today I am pleased to announce $100m in support of Ghana,” she said.
Other states which will benefit from the donation are Benin, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire and Togo.
The multi-billion kitty is meant to counter the ongoing violence and extremism that has rocked the region.
According to Aljazeera, several countries across West Africa and the Sahel region have been struggling to quell violence by armed groups that have caused humanitarian disasters and fuelled discontent, which contributed to military coups in Mali and Burkina Faso.
“We appreciate your leadership in response to recent democratic back-sliding in West Africa,” Harris told Akufo-Addo.
Ghana will receive an extra Ksh.18.3 billion from the U.S government in the 2024 fiscal year – Harris said.
U.S. is clamoring for Africa’s potential even as the country has been blaming China for overburdening the continent with debts.
African Heads of State have for the past two decades grown an appetite for China’s funding to finance activities in infrastructure and mining sectors.
This includes Kenya’s Standard Gauge Railway which runs from Mombasa city to Naivasha. The project cost a whooping Ksh.427 billion – Kenya’s largest infrastructure project ever.
The US is countering this influence through aid and donations.
According to Washington, USAID alone pumped a whooping ksh.39.5 billion for additional aid in Kenya alone in 2022.
When Jill Biden toured Kenya in February this year, the organisation donated Ksh.16 billion to help Kenya tackle drought and hunger.
However, Kenyans did not take it easy with the donation because it came a day when Biden toured the country and two days after the Supreme Court of Kenya in its controversial ruling said the L***Q people have a right to be associated with any organisation in the country.
While in Ghana, Harris was asked whether she visited Ghana to support the community.
“I have raised this issue, and I feel very strongly about supporting freedom and equality for all people and that L***Q rights were a human rights issue.
Harris is expected to visit Zambia and Tanzania when she concluded her two-day visit in Ghana.