The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has come up with the Farmers Feed School Business Model that aims to train technical staff and farmers on the practical issues in poultry farming and capacity building.
The programme targets Migori County poultry farmers who will benefit from the free training workshops aimed at equiping them on poultry rearing and vaccination.
Speaking Wednesday at a hotel in Migori town, Mr. Charles Nyaanga the Director for Livestock Migori County said the workshops will ensure that poultry farmers are back on their feet after a difficult year.
Many poultry farmers lost their poultry and livestock during the floods that caused havoc late last year, exacerbated by coronavirus pandemic forcing farmers to abandon the enterprise due to harsh economic times.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), sponsored by the United Nations (UN) aims to support and supplement income of poultry farmers to improve household income.
FAO will also coordinate all poultry stakeholders to ensure a direct linkage to market accessibility. The training will also focus on poultry production from sustenance poultry rearing to a commercial one through value chain addition.
It will also feature feed productions to ensure poultry farmers manufacture their own locally produced feeds instead of buying the commercial ones that are quite expensive.
FAO consultants will be tasked with doing baseline on issues of status of poultry in the county.
Through FAO training, the poultry farmers will be given support on commercialization of the chicken value chain, said Migori County Secretary for Agriculture Mr. Valentine Ogongo.
“Our poultry farmers do poultry farming on a small scale with unstructured markets. The Food and Agriculture Organisation in partnership with the county government and other stakeholders are in top gear to ensure that we commercialize the poultry enterprise to benefit our farmers,” said Ogongo.
With the help of the County government, Ogongo said that FAO will help in the improvement of poultry breeds through insemination which has been the biggest problem.
He also said the chicken slaughterhouse that was commissioned by the county government in Suna West will soon be in operation to help boost the economic standards of local poultry farmers.
Apart from Food and Agriculture Organisation, poultry farming in Migori is also being supported by other partners like the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Projects (NARIGP), Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP), The Kenya Crops Dairy Marking System Development (KCDMSD) and Sakwa Cooperatives among others.