Chicken farmers in Migori county are set to reap big if a proposed multimillion chicken processing plant is constructed within a proposed three months period.
Speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony for proposed chicken processing plant at Nyailing’a, in Suna west sub- county, Governor Zacharia Obado lauded the project supported by the national agricultural and rural inclusive growth project as important towards boosting farmers income in the county as well as lifting the county out of extreme poverty.
Governor Obado said his government is determined to empower farmers at the grassroots by enriching agriculture value chain projects.
The county chief noted that the his government is supporting close to 605 farmers in fish, chicken and dairy in 20 implementing wards across the devolved unit.
Farmers have been encouraged to embrace chicken projects and other agricultural projects as important towards boosting food security and as a source of income. The proposed chicken processing plant is expected to cost Ksh.25 million and will benefit farmer groups across the 8 sub- counties.